Many businesses have found that Executive Coaching is a powerful and effective tool. The coaching process raises self-awareness and unlocks potential to maximise performance, leading to increased self-confidence and reduced anxiety. It allows individuals to grow and flourish within an organisation – or to recognise that the time may be right to move on to pastures new.

86% of companies say they made their investment back from executive coaching” – ICF Global Coaching Client Study conducted by PWC


Here are just a couple of ways in which coaching can help.

Improved leadership skills

Executive coaching is a powerful, focused and effective development tool for senior leaders in any organisation.” – Institute of Directors

Coaching and increased self-awareness can help people become better leaders as the coachee is naturally encouraged to think about how he or she communicates with others.

We talk today about the importance of emotional intelligence, or EI as it is now commonly referred to. This is the ability to recognise, understand and manage one’s emotions and those of others. Learning how to become more self-aware, managing impulses and having empathy is important for anyone who wants to become a better leader at work. Coaching enhances EI so that it becomes a successful management tool.

Clear direction and purpose

Investing in coaching will make people feel that they add value to the organisation, helping them to feel more motivated and fulfilled. It can help align people’s values and goals and aid business planning. Coaching encourages increased engagement and commitment and minimises conflict in the workplace.


If you would like to find out more about Executive Coaching, contact Caroline Banwell who is an accredited Executive Coach.