Part-time furloughing
Organisations can furlough staff part-time from tomorrow, 1 July 2020. The Treasury Direction released on Friday states that a written agreement must be in place with the employee before they are “flexibly-furloughed”. Agreements were required with full-time furloughed employees, but you will need to vary the terms or ask employees to sign a new agreement to furlough someone part-time. Do give me a call or send me an email if you would like a flexible furlough agreement.
Health and safety
To check out your responsibilities in relation to homeworkers, you might find this HSE guidance helpful.
For a summary of the changes for July click here.
For an example of how to claim for part-time furloughing click here.
For further examples of how to calculate your employees’ wages click here.
For information on workplace testing click here and guidance on how to keep staff safe at work here.
If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at Harmony HR Solutions if you need further assistance.